Our class experience

Please come back later and view the finished product 🙂

Curious about how my classes work?…

…About what happens in them? …

…What they look like from the ‘inside’?

Well then, this is the page for you!

This page is divided into 8 parts and will explain what happens before, during and after a class.

Page contents:
  • 1. Before your class
  • 2. Welcome to your class: entering the classroom
  • 3. Inside the classroom
  • 4. Class format
  • 5. What you’ll be doing during your class
  • 6. What I’ll be doing during your class
  • 7. After the class: we haven’t finished yet
  • 8. A behind-the-scenes perspective

1. Before your class

Before your class, you’ll have received some material or a task to work on.

This could be to prepare a short presentation on a topic, read a text or listen to a recording, find something to show during the next class or to review a specific grammar point.

All the tasks and activities will usually also include some vocabulary that you can use in our class when you are speaking about your activity.

2. Welcome to your class: entering the classroom

When it’s nearly time for you class, you can enter my classroom via a link included in the booking confirmation email you received after you arranged your class.

When you arrive to the classroom, you will first be in the ‘waiting lounge’. Then, when the class begins, you’ll automatically be transferred into the classroom.

my video guide below explains and shows you this process.

3. Inside the classroom

I am proud to have my classroom hosted on the Zoom platform.

Zoom is a multi-award-winning enterprise-grade video meeting system. Using the best available software platform helps us to concentrate on your language skills and not have to worry about bad quality video calls or technical problems.

In the video guide below, you can learn the controls, see how to configure the settings and see what our Zoom classroom looks like.

4. Class format

If this is your first class,

We start with some activities to hear you pronouncing some different words in English, and then move on to some speaking activities to assess your grammatical and lexical level. This sounds complicated, but honestly it’s not.

To assess your pronunciation, I’ll ask you to read some sentences from your computer screen. After this activity, I’ll ask you some questions and to encourage you to use some different grammatical tenses and structures. Also, you’ll talk about different topics so I can see your range of vocabulary.

In the next stage of the class, we’ll discuss some questions that you have looked at before the class. These questions are about your aims, objectives and expectations for your classes.

With all this information I can plan a personalised course for you.

Finally, as with all classes, we’ll finish with some feedback from the class.

After your first class

Our classes start with a review of key points and ‘takeaways’ from the previous weeks feedback.

We then move into the main topic for you to talk about in the class. Activities can range dramatically depend on your aims for the course.

During the main activity in the class, you may also be trying to reuse some of the vocabulary or language that was included in the material you completed before your class.

If there is still time, we continue to personalise the topic with further questions and discussion before moving into the finial feedback phase of the class.

For the finial 5-10 minutes of the class I’ll offer you some delayed verbal feedback on your pronunciation, areas for correction, achievements and vocabulary.

Finally, we discuss the topic for the following class and introduce the optional activities you can complete to prepare it.

5. What you’ll be doing during your class

During the class you’ll be the main speaker.

You may be using the screen sharing features of my classroom to show me things on your computer, such as an image or webpage that you are explaining. Alternatively you could be demonstrating something to me.

Activities used in class often include:

  • Presenting a topic
  • Explaining a series of news stories
  • Explaining and comparing a group of images on a topic
  • Creating a narrative around one, or a series of images
  • Explaining a text that you’ve read before the class, or a podcast you listened to
  • Role plays
  • Discussing and answering questions on a topic
  • Practising a presentation
  • Explaining a product and comparing it to others in the market

The focus is on you actively using your english productively and practising the areas – gramatical and or lexical – that we’re focusing on in the class and that you’ve been preparing before the class.

6. What I’ll be doing during your class

During the class, primarily I’ll be monitoring your language. I’ll be making notes and also managing the resources for the class.

If our aim for the class is fluency, I’ll be taking notes to feedback to you in the closing stages of the class. If there is a repeated or critical error I’ll interrupt you to offer some correction on that point.

If we’re working on an accuracy point – for example practising the correct form of conditionals – I’ll give more immediate feedback on that topic.

7. After the Class: we haven’t finished yet

As I mentioned in the section discussing class format, Our classes usually finish by preparing the next class. I offer you some option activities and material to work on before the next class,

Within twenty-four hours of the class finishing, you will also receive your written feedback sheet. This includes the verbal feedback we discussed at the end of the class, some ‘takeaway’ points from the class and notes on any vocabulary we discussed during the class. The feedback sheet also includes a weblink to where you can download the video recording of your class.

The finial section of the written feedback sheet also includes your material for the next class.

8. A behind-the-scenes perspective

Ready to start?

It’s easy to arrange your first class with my online calendar

What to read next